

Create an Account

Please enter your info below to create your account.

Phone Numbers

Please enter at least one phone number.

Receive Order Text Alerts

Get notified immediately by text message when a new design proof or message is posted to your order. You'll also receive a message when your order ships!

We will also send notifications by e-mail. However, text messages provide a great backup in case any of our e-mails are not delivered or sent to your SPAM folder.

We will only send you text messages related to your CreateMyTee order and will NOT share your information with any third parties.

User ID & Password

Remember these to access your account and orders in the future!

Remember Me
Check this box to have our website remember your information so that you don't have to sign in each time you visit us.

CAUTION! We do not recommend using this option if other people also access this computer. They would be able to access your account without having to enter your User ID and Password unless you explicitly click "Sign Out" when you're done accessing your account.